What game should we play in Season 2 of Claim to Game?

The Claim to Game Podcast has been live since March 7th, 2024. I've had so much fun exploring Goblin Quest the RPG during this first season of the show. We're not yet done with all Goblin Quest has to offer BUT I have begun to plan and prepare for Season 2 of Claim to Game, tentatively scheduled to air this fall of 2024.

I need your help. There are many great Tabletop RPG's out there. I have narrowed down our communities list to the top 5 games in the running for our next game to master. However, just like the 1990's TV Show Highlander, "There can only be one."

Below I've included all 5 options for you to review. Once you've taken a look, please click on the included survey link and rank the RPG's in order of preference, 1 being your most preferred option, and 5 being your least preferred.

Thank you! Your opinions matter to me, and I want to provide you with the most value for the precious resource of your time you give me by listening to the Pod. Please reach out if you have any question!

Clint Scheirer - Host 

Email - Clint.Scheirer@claimtogamepodcast.com 

Option 1 - Brindlewood Bay: A Dark & Cozy Mystery

The Gauntlet

The Gauntlet - 2023 -  Image Source - http://www.brindlewoodbay.com/brindlewood-bay.html

Brindlewood Bay is a tabletop roleplaying game that combines Murder, She Wrote with H.P. Lovecraft. In it, you play a group of elderly women, members of the local Murder Mavens Mystery Book Club, who help the authorities solve murder cases in a picturesque New England Town. Over the course of their investigations, they become aware of a dark occult conspiracy that connects the cases, and will eventually have to face that conspiracy in order to save their community. The game is low-prep and easy to play no matter your experience with tabletop roleplaying games.

Option 2 - Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying game

(Monte Cook Games - 2024 - Image Sourced - https://www.montecookgames.com/store/product/old-gods-of-appalachia-roleplaying-game/)

Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game is a complete, standalone TTRPG powered by the Cypher System. Old Gods of Appalachia’s unique take on cosmic horror is personal, intimate, and atmospheric. Venture into the dark, eerie past of an alternate Appalachia and enjoy a fluid, story-based roleplaying experience with an intuitive, concept-driven character generation system that gives you limitless options. With loads of lore, dozens of creatures and NPCs, and two complete adventures to launch your campaign, the Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game has everything you need to experience your own stories of horror, hardship, and heart in this immersive, narrative, and deeply chilling setting. Ravenous creatures of the Inner Dark, sinister plots of the Hollow Men, unearthed beasts that have long dreamt in the dark, and angry forces of the Green. Strive to protect what matters, from these terrors and more, while you seek to know the unknowable and spin a collective tale of hardship, horror, hope, and heart, where every choice requires a sacrifice and your word is (or should be) your bond.

Option 3 - Blades in the Dark

(Evil Hat Productions - 2024 - Image Sourced - https://evilhat.com/product/blades-in-the-dark/

Blades in the Dark is a tabletop role-playing game by John Harper about a crew of daring scoundrels seeking their fortunes on the haunted streets of an industrial-fantasy city. There are heists, chases, occult mysteries, dangerous bargains, bloody skirmishes, and, above all, riches to be had—if you’re bold enough to seize them. You and your fledgling crew must thrive amidst the threats of rival gangs, powerful noble families, vengeful ghosts, the Bluecoats of the city watch, and the siren song of your scoundrel’s own vices. Will you rise to power in the criminal underworld? What are you willing to do to get to the top?

Option 4 - Alien The Roleplaying Game

(Free League Publishing - 2024 - Image Sourced - https://freeleaguepublishing.com/games/alien/)

Gamma rays and neutrino bursts erupt from dying stars to cook you alive, black holes tear you apart, and the void itself boils your blood and seizes your brain. Try to scream and no one can hear you – hold your breath and you rupture your lungs. Space isn’t as empty as you’d think, either – its frontiers are ever expanding. Rival governments wage a cold war of aggression while greedy corporations vie for valuable resources. Colonists reach for the stars and gamble with their lives – each new world tamed is either feast or famine. And there are things lurking in the shadows of every asteroid – things strange and different and deadly. Things alien. This is the official ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game – a universe of body horror and corporate brinkmanship, where synthetic people play god while space truckers and marines serve host to newborn ghoulish creatures. It’s a harsh and unforgiving universe and you are nothing if not expendable. Stay alive if you can.

Option 5 - Dragonbane - Mirth & Mayhem Roleplaying

(Free League Publishing - 2024 - Image Sourced - https://freeleaguepublishing.com/games/dragonbane/)

Dragonbane is a classic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game full of magic, mystery, and adventure. It is designed from the ground up to facilitate fast and furious play, with very little prep time and adventures that are a breeze to run. This is a game with room for laughs at the table, while still offering brutal challenges for the adventurers. We call this playstyle “mirth and mayhem roleplaying” – great for long campaigns, but also perfect for a one-shot. Dragonbane is a translation of Drakar och Demoner, Scandinavia’s first and biggest tabletop RPG, originally launched in 1982. This new and reimagined edition has one foot firmly planted in the heritage of decades of Swedish gaming and the other in the modern and innovative game design for which Free League Publishing is known worldwide.

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