013: What is a Rules Hack in Tabletop RPGs?

Have you ever found yourself so immersed in a book, movie, or TV show that you wished you could step into that world and live out the adventures yourself? If so, you're not alone, and tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) offer a fantastic way to do just that. In our latest podcast episode, we explore the captivating concept of "rules hacks" in the realm of tabletop RPGs, with a special focus on the Goblin Quest RPG.

For those unfamiliar with the term, a "rules hack" involves altering or tweaking the base game mechanics to fit new settings or scenarios. This concept, once known as "homebrew," allows players to adapt a game they love into something even more personal and engaging. Imagine taking the mechanics of Goblin Quest—character creation, the three-act structure, dice rolling, and difficulty ratings—and applying them to a completely different setting. The possibilities are endless!

Our episode dives deep into the world of Goblin Quest, created by the talented game designer Grant Howitt. What made the Goblin Quest campaign in 2014 particularly special were the stretch goals which included a variety of rules hacks that expanded the game's replay value and creativity.

Some of the standout rules hacks from Goblin Quest include "Kobold Quest," where you play as scaly lizard beasts trying to please a mighty Dragon King, and "Sean Bean Quest," where you play as five different Sean Beans attempting to survive until the end of the movie. These hacks not only add humor and variety to the game but also demonstrate the flexibility of the Goblin Quest system.

But why stop there? The episode also touches on how you can create your own rules hacks. Take, for instance, the Harry Potter universe. If you're a fan of J.K. Rowling's magical world, you might want to create a hack where your goblins are actually Gringotts bank goblins on a mission to stop Harry Potter and Hagrid. The beauty of rules hacks is that they allow you to tailor the game to your specific interests and fandoms.

Each Goblin Quest RPG rule hack will get its own dedicated episode, providing you with all the information you need to run these unique scenarios for your gaming group.

So, if you've ever felt the itch to experience your favorite stories in a more interactive and immersive way, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to discover how rules hacks can transform your tabletop RPG experience and provide endless hours of creative fun. Don't miss out on this fungucational journey—listen now and start hacking your games today!