016: Keep Your Eye on the Ball – How to Play to Your Strengths During a Tabletop Roleplaying Game, With Robin D. Laws

Insights from Robin D. Laws

Tabletop RPGs bring together communities of storytellers, strategists, and dreamers. But what does a player truly need to help move the narrative forward during a TTRPG game? In our latest podcast episode, Clint had the privilege of speaking with the Robin D. Laws, a veteran game designer and author, who shared how to play to your strengths and take responsibility for the collaborative story being told.

Robin, with over 30 years of experience, has not only designed groundbreaking games but has also authored essential reads like "Hamlet’s Hit Points" and "Robin's Laws of Good Game Mastering." His wisdom is a treasure trove for both new and seasoned players.

If you're already seeking ways to improve, you're likely ahead of the curve. This proactive mindset is a strength in itself. Robin encourages players to be role models and inspire others in their group who might not be as engaged.

A key takeaway from our conversation was the concept of "quiet leadership." This involves subtly guiding the group, maintaining momentum, and assisting the Game Master (GM) without overshadowing others. It's about enhancing the group's experience, ensuring everyone has fun, and keeping the story moving forward.

Robin also highlighted the importance of understanding the different player types and their motivations. For instance, the "casual gamer" might just be there to hang out with friends. Recognizing and respecting these differences can lead to a more harmonious and enjoyable gaming session for everyone.

Another fascinating concept Robin introduced was the metaphor of "the Ball." In any RPG session, players should always be aware of where the narrative focus lies – the Ball. Whether it's the mission set by the GM or a personal goal, knowing where the Ball is can help players drive the story forward. Bringing your own Ball, or narrative contribution, can also add depth and excitement to the game.

However, Robin warns against common pitfalls that can detract from the gaming experience. Overly critical players who nitpick the realism or those who refuse to engage with the narrative can disrupt the flow and enjoyment for everyone. Instead, he advises embracing the story, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

For those looking to hone their skills, Robin suggests focusing on attention – paying close attention to cues from the GM and other players. This awareness can significantly enhance your ability to contribute meaningfully to the game.

This conversation with Robin is a roadmap to becoming a better, more engaged, and more effective player. By understanding your strengths, respecting others' playstyles, and keeping an eye on the narrative Ball, you can help move the story forward while having fun.