015: Goblin Quest - Rules Hack 2 - Inigo Montoya Junior

Are you a classic movies? If so, the hack for Goblin Quest RPG, inspired by the timeless film, The Princess Bride, may be for you. This episode is packed with insights, tips, and a touch of nostalgia that will leave you eager to gather your friends for an unforgettable gaming session.

In this episode, we explore the "My Name is Inigo Montoya Junior" hack, a creative twist that brings the iconic quest for revenge from The Princess Bride into the whimsical game system of Goblin Quest. 

Clint Scheirer, a seasoned educator and RPG enthusiast, walks you through the process of setting up and playing this hack. You'll learn how to create a compelling narrative, develop unique characters, and incorporate the signature elements of The Princess Bride into your game. From crafting your sword fighter's backstory to mastering the art of the dramatic speech, Clint covers it all with his trademark blend of fun and educational content.

This episode will give you a detailed breakdown of the game's plot points, including the killing, training, investigation, tipping point, evil scheme, and the foiling. Each stage is designed to immerse players in a rich and dynamic story, filled with challenges, surprises, and opportunities for heroic feats. You'll also discover how to use the speech mechanic to add an extra layer of strategy and drama to your gameplay.

Embark on a swashbuckling adventure filled with fencing, fighting, and a quest for revenge. Whether you're a fan of The Princess Bride, a tabletop RPG enthusiast, or simply looking for a fun and engaging way to spend time with friends, this episode has something for everyone.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to bring a beloved movie classic to life in your next Goblin Quest RPG session.