010: How to Find Balance Between Tabletop Roleplaying Games and Life

Are you a tabletop RPG enthusiast who finds it hard to juggle your gaming sessions with the daily grind? You're not alone. Many of us find ourselves caught in the balancing act between our passions and our responsibilities.

In this episode, Clint Scheirer shares his insights on how to maintain a healthy balance between the two worlds. 

Clint talks about his personal golden rule – limiting himself to one tabletop role-playing game with friends per month. While this might sound restrictive, he explains how it helps prevent 'game creep' – the gradual takeover of gaming in your life until it's all you can think about.

The episode is not just about setting rules; it's about understanding your limits and the importance of other commitments, like family and work. Clint shares his journey towards balance, admitting that it's not always perfect but emphasizing the importance of boundaries. He confesses to the pitfalls of overcommitting and how it led to stress and a less enjoyable gaming experience.

The episode is a call to action for all gamers to pause and reflect on their gaming habits. Clint poses two critical questions to help you find your manageable sweet spot: What is your golden rule? And if you say yes to this, what are you saying no to?

If you love tabletop RPGs but struggle with finding the right balance, this episode of Claim to Game is a must-listen. It's not just about gaming; it's about improving the quality of your life. Tune in, get inspired, and make your claim to game one session at a time.