009: Should I play with a Gamemaster or go GM-less?

In our latest podcast episode, we tackle the intriguing debate: Is a Game Master (GM) necessary in tabletop RPGs?

Tabletop RPGs have evolved significantly over the years, giving rise to various play styles and formats. One of the most debated topics within the community is the role of the GM. Traditionally seen as the storyteller, referee, and world-builder, the GM has been a staple in games like Dungeons & Dragons. But what if I told you that you might have just as much fun without one?

We delve into the mechanics and philosophy behind GM-less games, where players share equal responsibility in crafting the narrative and determining the outcomes of their quests. These games often foster a greater sense of agency and ownership over the story, leading to a more collaborative and sometimes more spontaneous gaming experience.

One RPG that exemplifies this is Goblin Quest by Grant Howitt, a game that can be played with or without a GM. Throughout the season, we've explored this quirky and chaotic game, guiding listeners through the setup and play, demonstrating that a world of adventure awaits regardless of your preferred mode of play.

During the episode, we make the case for both GM-led and GM-less games, discussing the 'tenders and toughs'—the pros and cons—of each approach. From the increased agency and reduced preparation of GM-less games to the structured storytelling and guidance provided by a traditional GM, we cover it all.

Listeners will also find practical advice for those experiencing 'GM fatigue,' a common feeling among those who frequently take on the GM role. We share tips for sharing the load and finding joy in both playing and running games.

So, whether you're a seasoned player or new to the world of tabletop RPGs, join us as we explore the enchanting world of Goblin Quest and the broader question of what makes a truly enjoyable RPG experience. Listen now and make your own claim to game!