008: Goblin Quest - How to Play the Game from Beginning to End

This episode is a primer that will prepare you for a gameplay experience as rich and entertaining as diving into Willy Wonka's chocolate river.

Goblin Quest, designed by Grant Howitt, is not your average RPG. It's a game that is simple to run, encourages creativity, and is perfect for both kids and adults. With its hilarious premise of playing as grotty little goblins, the game promises a fun and engaging time for everyone.

In this episode, Clint takes you through the core mechanics of Goblin Quest, including dice rolls, rerolls, action tokens, and how to handle the inevitable goblin death. But that's not all. The episode also delves into the strategic aspects of quest completion, ensuring that you're well-equipped to tackle the game head-on.

The episode isn't just about the rules, though. It's a journey through the whimsical and wild world of Goblin Quest. You'll hear Clint role-play scenarios, complete with silly voices and vivid descriptions that will spark your imagination. It's like being part of an interactive story where you are both the creator and the audience.

Listening to this episode is like unwrapping a Hershey kiss and finding that golden ticket. It's a chance to escape into a world of fantasy and fun, where the only limit is your creativity. So why not gather your friends, set the scene in the muddy goblin pits, and start your quest for the grand wizard's dinner?

Don't let the goblins have all the fun! Tune into this episode of Claim to Game and make your claim to game. Whether you're aiming to host a game night or simply looking for a delightful listen, this episode is a feast for the ears and the imagination. Grab your dice, embrace your inner goblin, and let the quest begin!

Ready to join the adventure? Listen to the full episode now and claim your Goblin Quest experience. And if you're eager to get your hands on the game, be sure to check the show notes for a direct link to purchase your copy. Happy questing!